Zodiac Watches
L’ambizione dell’Ariete, i sentimenti della Bilancia, la poesia dei Pesci: il tuo segno zodiacale può lasciare il segno sul tuo outfit con il nostro orologio Quadro Crystal Zodiac.
Ciondolo per orologio venduto separatamente
Discover the Quadro Crystal Zodiac Collection
A watch collection mirroring you
Framed by crystals along the Lumine bezel, the Mother-of-pearl dial brings a lustrous sparkle to your wrist. Choose your sign and embrace the elements that make you, you—or switch things up to signify another special moment or person: both the mesh strap and the crystal charm are interchangeable.

Cosmic Essentials
Stellar statements in focus
All signs aligned – discover the celestial collection featuring month stones, zodiac signs, watches and jewellery, and an elevated collection of staples that mirror you.